Privacy Policy for "فن السيطرة"


Last updated: 02/12/2023




Welcome to "فن السيطرة"! This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how your personal information is collected, used, and safeguarded when you use our mobile application.


Information We Collect


2.1. User-Provided Information: When you use "فن السيطرة," we may collect personal information such as your name, email address, and other relevant details during the registration and profile creation process.


2.2. Automatically Collected Information: We may also collect certain information automatically, including but not limited to device information, IP address, and usage statistics. This information helps us improve the user experience and optimize our services.


3. How We Use Your Information


3.1. User Management: We use Firebase for user authentication, login, signup, and profile management. Your provided information is securely stored and processed to enable these functionalities.


3.2. Ad Serving: AdMob is used to display ads within "فن السيطرة." AdMob may collect and use certain device information and personal data for ad personalization and analytics. Please refer to Google's Privacy Policy for more details on AdMob's data practices.


4. Data Security


We prioritize the security of your information. We implement industry-standard security measures to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of your personal data.


5. Third-Party Services


"فن السيطرة" may use third-party services for analytics, error tracking, and other functionalities. These services may collect and process data as per their respective privacy policies. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these third-party services.


6. Your Choices


You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. You can manage your preferences and privacy settings within the app. For any assistance, please contact us at


7. Changes to This Privacy Policy


We may update our Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our data practices. We will notify you of any significant updates through the app or other communication channels.


8. Contact Us


If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your privacy or this Privacy Policy, please contact us at


By using "فن السيطرة," you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.


Thank you for trusting us with your information!


#Abdelhadi Babenghanmi


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